Story Time

Story Time is the tag I use for my fortnightly book review which gives the low-down on whatever literary masterpiece - or massive pile of shit – that I’ve had my face stuck to recently. Questions?

Books, The Raving Pleb
It's like tv but for smart people
Why are you reviewing books?
Because I like reading, I think it’s awesome. And now I’m (technically) an adult it’s become more socially acceptable for me to admit that. So much so that I can now talk about books with confidence that people won’t look at me like I’ve just admitted to having shat myself.  So here I am, talking about books.

But why should we listen to you?
Because I have ADHD so there really are just a limited number of books I can even finish, let alone rave about. That said, if I’m recommending something it’s probably a whole fuck-tonne full of awesome. Also, because of the whole ADHD thing, I can’t blather on for hours about ‘masterful character development’ and ‘dreamlike enchanting prose’ because my computer has the whole world inside of it thanks to the magic that is “the in-ter-net” so there really is a limit to what I can get out before I’m distracted by something, like videos of Barack Obama rapping to Iggy Azalea songs.

Why shouldn’t I just rely on Goodreads or Amazon reviews for my literary needs?
Well you could, but I promise to be more fun. I also promise to never use phrases like, “the prose is highly immersive,” or “engrossing psychologically and emotionally” – eurgh, I know, right? You could read those if that’s what you’re in to, or you could read mine, which will be shorter, awesomer and contain a lot more swear words (because how can anyone be excited about anything without using the F word?). 

So is this a book review blog?
No, it’s a blog with book reviews on it. If I want to write about other stuff in between I will, okay? Stop oppressing me, dickhead! Who are you anyway, the Blog Content Police?!

Jeeez, calm down, it was just a question. What’s wrong with you?
Should I just start chronologically with my childhood, or by severity of the specific personality disorder?

Never mind, I’m going to go now.
I get that a lot.

Click here for all the latest book reviews.

The Raving Pleb
Staying home on Friday nights so that you don't have to

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