About Pleb

Leaving the flash on like an arsehole
Hi, my name is Pleb and I am taking on the world one ill-informed rant at a time because it's good for my anger management. I tried letting my rants out on Twitter but 140 characters just isn't enough to really get a good virtual scream on, is it? So here I am, screaming on Blogger instead. I mostly write open-letters to organisations I don't like, like The Sun or that restaurant that probably served me jizz that one time. I also do books reviews for people who don't have time to wade through the pretentious ones on Amazon.

Feel free to leave comments, I love it when I'm not just talking to myself. Also, you can contact me on Twitter here or via email here if you would like to educate me about serious issues which I have gotten TOTALLY WRONG... (or if my overuse of the word 'vagina' is kind of grossing you out).

Oh and for those of you who don't know:
Pleb, Definition
According to Oxford Dictionaries

So basically it means I'm working class scum.


All work on this site is copyrighted and cannot be reprinted without the express consent of The Raving Pleb.